April 27, 2023
Interoception, the eighth sensory system, is the ability to notice and interpret internal body signals (i.e. hunger, pain, need to use the bathroom, emotions, etc.). For example, you may feel your stomach growl and know it’s time for lunch. Or you may feel your muscles tense and your heart race and know that you’re feeling […]
April 18, 2023
Auditory System
Auditory system: located in the inner ear, responsible for processing sound vibration and sound waves Behavioral response: Under responsive: may not respond to sound input immediately, for instance may appear to not hear their name being called until a loud tone is used Overresponsive: may demonstrate intense reactions to sounds that others are not typically […]
April 12, 2023
Gustatory System
Gustatory System Definition: The gustatory system is our sense of taste. This sensory system allows us to differentiate between different flavors, and identify whether or not something is safe to eat. Over-responsiveness: a person who is over-responsive to gustatory stimuli may choose bland foods over intense flavors. They may show strong reactions to foods, including […]
April 5, 2023
Olfactory System
Olfactory System Definition: The olfactory system is our sense of smell. The main function of the olfactory system is to detect and identify molecules in the air. The olfactory system works closely alongside the gustatory system in order to perceive flavors when eating. Over-responsiveness: a person who is over-responsive to olfactory stimuli often shows a […]
April 27, 2023
Oral Sensory Processing
The sensory receptors inside our mouths are responsible for processing information from texture, temperature, and taste. Oral input can improve emotional/ sensory regulation and give a calming response to the central nervous system. Ideas for oral input at home for regulation: Eat crunchy/ chewy foods Drinking through a straw, especially thicker purees such as smoothies, […]
April 27, 2023
Proprioception System
Proprioception refers to the ability of our muscles and joints to get input from the world around us to determine where our body is in space. This means that we can sense the movement and positioning of our bodies without having to visually reference each body part. When an individual has a diminished sense of […]
April 27, 2023
Tactile System
The tactile system is responsible for how we feel all touch sensations including vibrations, temperature, textures, and pain. Activities for home For those with tactile sensitivities: Engage in messy play with various mediums including water beads, shaving cream, paint, sand, look for toys dry rice and bean bins. Crawling through tunnels, playing in the grass, […]
April 21, 2023
Vestibular system
Information is processed through receptors located in the inner ear, the utricle and saccule. Provides information regarding one’s movement and body position in relation to gravity. The vestibular system contributes to balance, posture and the awareness of one’s orientation in space. Behavioral response: Under responsive: require more intense vestibular/movement input to produce a response, but […]
April 27, 2023
Visual System
The sense of vision uses the eyes to collect information in which the brain then interprets. The visual system words closely with the other senses to help use safely navigate and locate objects in our environment. Visual activities and input help children develop visual perception skills, engage in visual tracking and improve visual attention and […]